

WireLurker Creator and Distributer Arrested in China

Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau along with cyber security company Qihoo 360 arrested Chen, Lee and Wang suspected of creating and distributing WireLurker malware.WireLurker which infected iOS and Mac users using OS X application,infecting hundreds of Apple users.

WireLurker is a new bug found in Apple's Operating System and considered as a big threat.Palo Alto Network security researchers said "The discovery of Wirelurker poses a new era of malware".The malware collects data from the infected device and send it to its creator using command & control server on Miyadi App Store.

The Suspects were charged of writing and distributing the malicious program illegally for their personal benefits. Miyadi App Store which was used to distribute the malware has also been shut down. At present , the suspect Chen,Lee has been under criminal detention.

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