

Globe Telecom website hacked by Bloodsec International

Globe Telecom is one of the most popular Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Philippines.Hacker from the team BloodSec International defaced  4 subdomains of Globe telecom website.

Hacker was unhappy with the service quality provided by Globe Telecom.Following message was written on the deface page.
“Dear GLOBE, Your service on your internet connection is not worthy what we pay for. Do something or expect the consequence. This is just the beginning. Expect Us!.All your Data Belongs to Us Now”.
Globe confirmed that its 4 subdomains were defaced.These subdomains were hosted on third party hosting provider.
Globe Telecom said that these subdomains were used for promotional and advertising campaigns and is not connected with customers data.
“The server where the four websites are hosted are managed by a third party partner and outside of the Globe Corporate and Enterprise Network, where appropriate preventive and detective controls are in place. The attack is isolated on their end and was brought about by an unpatched vulnerability which is currently being addressed. Rest assured, our security incident response teams are currently investigating and conducting forensics in various areas to make sure that the incident is properly managed.” said Globe Chief Information Security Officer Anton Bonifacio.
Globe Telecom restored the website and currently it is showing maintenance page.

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